You asked, we answered!

The questions you’ve asked the most, we’ve answered below. 

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times are out of our control however we endevour to pack your order ready for shipping as quickly as possible (typically within 24 hours and depending upon availability). We also choose reputable shipping companies to ensure the fastest delivery time possible.    

What is the cost of shipping?

The shipping cost is determined by the shipping address. This will be calculated at check out. 

Do you ship internationally? 

Yes, we ship all orders all over the world. 

What is your refund policy? 

The refund policy for Before I Travel can be found here. If you have any further questions in regards to this, please reach out to info@beforeitravel.com.au. 

Who pays for the cost of returns? 

Customers are responsible for paying for the cost of returns.